Thursday, May 28, 2009

ay ay ay!

It's been entirely too long since an update, and I wholeheartedly apologize! My final quarter of my first year of grad school ends next week (meaning final exams and papers are due all this week and next) so I've been in a little over my head, and consequently, the wedding has taken a bit of a backseat.

Which might be why you are asking yourself, "Am I still invited to the wedding?"

The answer is YES! You are. I just haven't sent invitations because grad school is a black hole that sucks away lives. They are being printed as I type though, and if all goes according to plan, they will be en route on Monday (but don't hold me to it).

Other than that, things are good! My mom has mentioned that several people have told her that our selection on registries is waning. I have added to it as best I can, I really have! For fun items, Danny and I created the registry at REI (wink wink!) and at Crate and Barrel and Bed, Bath and Beyond, there are still several items remaining. I know that a few items are not available online and only in maybe that is throwing off the online viewing of the registry? I'm not sure. Just thought I would let you all know.

Also, one final thing, in addition to the block of rooms reserved at the Intercontinental, we also reserved rooms at The Sheraton (on the Plaza) and the Hampton Inn. Both are $100 a night and can be purchased at that rate by mentioning the "Bradley-Pier wedding."

Reservations can be made through the links provided here: Hotel Reservations

Look for your invitations soon and I can't wait to see you all! Only 50 days!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Three months to go.

Happy Easter everyone! Danny and I just returned home after spending the holiday weekend in Kansas City with my family. Though it was a very productive weekend (wedding wise) it was exhausting and not the least bit relaxing. I'm really beginning to understand why there's honeymoon following the wedding...

Though I am in desperate need of a vacation from the vacation, we got a lot accomplished while visiting. We got to taste and choose your meal options for the reception, we met with the videographer and we finalized a lot of details regarding the ceremony. Success!

This weekend will be very exciting as my mom, Nonnie and two of my favorite ladies are coming in town for my bridal shower. I can't wait! Only one paper, a test and several thousands of pages of reading before the fun can begin!

Also - I'm looking to book a block of rooms at a couple of hotels nearby the Intercontinental...I'm open to suggestions. What hotels do people prefer? Let me know!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Save the Date

If you're here because you've received our Save the Dates... HORRAY! The U.S. postal service works as we've been promised it would all these years. Welcome! We hope the magnet finds a nice spot on your fridge and serves as a reminder directing you to where you find any and all information about our big day.

Keep an eye on your mailbox for the invitation to follow!
